

Media and Sermons

Sermons preached at the Jordan Park Church of Christ.


Displaying 1021 - 1040 of 1334

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/29/14 Rejoice in the Lord Always - Philippians 4 Jeff Archer Sermon Philippians Sun AM Rejoice_in_the_Lord_Always-Philippians4.mp3
06/22/14 Rejoice In the Lord Jeff Archer Sermon Philippians Sun AM Rejoice_in_the_Lord.mp3
06/22/14 Repairing Relationships Adam Walker Sermon N/A Sun PM Repairing_Relationships.mp3
06/15/14 Filling Joy Full - Philippians 2 Jeff Archer Sermon Philippians Sun AM Filling_Joy_Full.mp3
06/15/14 Sinners Saved in Christ Jeff Archer Sermon Teaching the Lost Sun PM Sinners_Saved_In_Christ.mp3 Lesson 5 -Sinners Saved in Christ.pdf
06/08/14 Miracles Adam Walker Sermon N/A Sun AM Miracles.mp3
06/08/14 Jesus - Death, Burial, Resurrection Jeff Archer Sermon Teaching the Lost Sun PM Jesus-Death_Burial_and_Resurrection.mp3 Lesson 4 -The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.pdf
06/01/14 Joy with Brethren - Philippians Part-2 Jeff Archer Sermon Philippians Sun AM Joy_with_Brethren-Philippians_part2.mp3
06/01/14 The Teaching of Jesus Jeff Archer Sermon Teaching the Lost Sun PM Lesson 3 -The teaching of Jesus.pdf Teachings_of_Jesus-TTL-part3.mp3
05/25/14 Reading the Letter to the Philippians Jeff Archer Sermon Philippians Sun AM Reading_the_Letter_to_the_Philippians.mp3
05/25/14 Who Jesus Is Jeff Archer Sermon Teaching the Lost Sun PM Lesson 2 - Jesus comes to the earth.pdf Teaching The Lost - Who Jesus Is.mp3
05/18/14 Our Ministry Adam Walker Sermon N/A Sun AM Our_Ministry.mp3
05/11/14 Seeker Sensitive - Consumer Churches Jeff Archer Sermon N/A Sun AM Seeker_Sensitive-Consumer_Churches.mp3
05/11/14 Beginnings Jeff Archer Sermon Teaching the Lost Sun PM Lesson 1 - Beginnings.pdf Teaching the Lost - Beginnings.mp3
05/04/14 Does the Standard Really Matter? Adam Walker Sermon N/A Sun AM Does_The_Standard_Matter.mp3
05/04/14 Icebreaker: Taking the Gospel to the Lost Jeff Archer Sermon Teaching the Lost Sun PM Icebreaker lesson - The Purpose of Life.pdf Icebreaker-Taking_the_Gospel_to_the_Lost.mp3
04/27/14 Overcoming Objections to Baptism Darrell Hamilton Sermon N/A Sun AM Overcoming_Objections_to_Baptism.mp3
04/20/14 Noah and the Flood Jeff Archer Sermon N/A Sun AM Noah and the Flood.mp3
04/20/14 Remember Your Creator Adam Walker Sermon N/A Sun PM Remember Your Creator.mp3
04/16/14 Facing the Unique Challenges Phillip Mullins Gospel Meetings 2014 Spring Meeting Gospel Meeting - Weeknights Facing_the_Unique_Challenges.mp3

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